An expired listing is a listing that's automatically deactivated because it didn't sell. You can't reactivate this listing or relist tickets if the delivery deadline has passed.

Important! Any listings you sold will also appear in the "Expired" tab. We recommend checking your Sales tab in case you have a sale.

To see your expired listings

  1. Go to "My tickets" then Listings (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it) 
  2. Select the "Expired" tab (on the StubHub app, tap the second drop-down menu to see it)

How to tell when listings expire

  1. Go to "My tickets" then Listings (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it)
  2. Below "Listing No.," the "Sale ends on..." is when your listing expires if it doesn't sell