If you're listing tickets on StubHub and are entering barcodes, make sure you're entering the exact alphanumeric barcode on your tickets. Double-check there's no extra space at the end.

  • While listing, you may have the option to enter the barcodes now or later
  • Entering barcodes while listing or before a sale means you're pre-delivering your tickets. If they sell, you won't mail a hard copy ticket (if you have one) or do anything else to fulfill the order. The buyer will get the tickets shortly after the order goes through.

Entering barcodes before a sale

  1. Go to "My tickets" then Listings (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it)
  2. Find the listing. Select "See actions" then "Enter Barcodes."
  3. Enter the seat and barcode exactly as it's printed on the ticket
  4. Select "Upload"

Entering barcodes after a sale

  1. Go to "My tickets" then Sales (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it)
  2. Find the sale. Select "See actions" then "Enter Barcodes."
  3. Enter the seat and barcode exactly as it's printed on the ticket
  4. Select "Upload"

If you're having an issue entering barcodes, review Why won't my barcodes work? to troubleshoot.