If you sold tickets on StubHub and got an email your payment failed it means we're having an issue sending you your payment. Usually, it's because there's an error with how you're getting paid.

Make sure your payment info is up-to-date

  1. Select "Profile" then Settings (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it). The "Payment" tab is automatically open (on the StubHub app, tap the second drop-down menu to see it)
  2. Under "Payment options for selling tickets," if you chose:
    • PayPal: Double-check your PayPal email address. If it's wrong, select "Add New Payment Method,"  then 'PayPal,' and follow the steps to link your account with StubHub. If it's right, contact PayPal to release the hold.
    • Direct deposit: Select "Add New Payment Method," then " Bank transfer," and follow the steps to link your bank account with StubHub. If this is the second time you're getting an error, contact your bank to make sure you're using the right account details.
      • If you don't see your bank listed in the drop-down menu when entering your bank details, choose "Other" in the middle of the list (it's in alphabetical order)
  3. Check the payment status. Go to "My tickets" then Payments (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it). Any changes will update within 24 hours, and you can expect to be paid within 10 business days.