Before buying tickets on StubHub

To update your shipping address at checkout's "Ticket Delivery" page:

  1. Next to "Your tickets will be shipped to:" select "Change Address"
  2. Select an existing address from the list or "Add Shipping Address." If you chose the latter, enter a new address and "Continue" 

After buying tickets on StubHub

Guest users:

Registered users:

  1. Go to 'My tickets' then Orders
  2. Select "View details" then "Change delivery address" 
  3. Review your default delivery address. Select "Edit" then "Add Address" to change it. 
  4. You can also select "Add your travel plans" and fill in the info. We'll deliver your tickets to either your default or travel address depending on when they're shipped. 
  • If your tickets are already in-transit and you need them rerouted: Please contact usWe'll check if there's enough time to reroute your package to a different address.
  • If you're shipping the tickets to a hotel or friend or family member's place: We recommend contacting them first so they can expect the delivery. Hotels may not hold packages long.