Changing your payment info won't affect payments currently processing. It will only be applied to both existing and new listings.

  1. Go to "Profile" then Settings (on the StubHub app, tap the first drop-down menu to see it)  
  2. The "Payment" tab is automatically open. Under" Payment options for selling tickets," select "Add New Payment Method" and choose how to get paid:
    • PayPal: Log in with PayPal to link your account
    • Payoneer prepaid card: Select "Sign up to Payoneer" or "Link Your Account" and follow the steps
    • Bank transfer: Enter the currency, followed by your bank details. Then "Submit." 
      • Don't see your bank listed in the drop-down menu when entering your bank details? Choose "Other" in the middle of the list (it's in alphabetical order)
  3. Select the 3 dots next to the payment method you added and select "Set as default." You'll see the purple "Default" button.