You can list MLB season tickets on StubHub by selecting the ‘List Your Season Tickets' button, found on the banner at the top of site, on the ‘Sell your tickets page,’ or any MLB event page. Then: 

  1. Select ‘+ Add Season Ticket’ 
  2. Use the drop-down menus to select the team, section, row, and seats 
  3. Select ‘Add Season Ticket’ then ‘List Now’ 
  4. Select your events. Check the boxes next to the games you want to list or check the ‘Select All’ box to choose all of them. Then select ‘Continue.’ 
  5. Select your seats to sell and set your prices for each game. Select ‘Continue.’ 
  6. Review the listings. If applicable, add listing features, comments, or disclosures. Make sure you have a credit card on file and choose how to get paid if your tickets sell. When everything looks good, select ‘Create Listing.’ 

What happens next 

  • Individual listings for each game are created, which you can view and edit by visiting your Listings page 
  • You can enter the barcode(s) on an unsold listing through your Listings page, or when the ticket(s) sell through your Sales page. 


  • If you change your mind and don’t want to list the tickets, go to your Listings page and delete each listing. Selecting ‘Delete Ticket’ from your season ticket holder wallet only removes it from your Season Ticket Wallet and doesn’t delete any listings.